Dear Members,
Welcome to the latest edition of Cheval West Express!
Happy Valentines Day!
In this month's newsletter and meeting packet, please find information about a streetlight proposal from TECO.
Please enjoy this newsletter and share it with your neighbors.
Monthly Meeting Information
Meeting Packet As always, you can find meeting packets on the Cheval West website.
Packets are posted on the website seven days prior to the noticed meeting.
Streetlight Replacement: TECO Proposal
Electricity is one of the top three expenses for our community. The Board is currently exploring alternatives to our existing streetlights.
TECO has made a proposal to update and upgrade the streetlights throughout Cheval West. Included in this proposal are a few options for traffic calming devices, data network connection nodes, and Cheval branded ornamental plates at selected locations. Pictures of the new poles and luminaires are located in the meeting packet.
Gatehouse Refurbishment Project
The District's contractor Grace Construction has reported receiving permits for the refurbishment project at both the Lutz Lake Fern and Ramblewood gates. The Board will finalize the plan this Thursday, including gate closures, signage, and staffing.
The project will result in gate closure and redirection of guest, vendor, and commercial traffic to the Dale Mabry and remaining operating gates during the construction period.
Plan for construction and closures to begin within the next two weeks and continuing for at least 90 days.
FDOT's Proposed Widening of SR-589
The Board continues to aggregate questions and concerns in its effort to better understand the scope and impact of this project on Cheval West, including:
Type of Widening: Is the widening planned to be interior, exterior, or a combination of both? If exterior, will FDOT require additional land beyond its current footprint? Road Realignment: Will there be any realignment of the road, and if so, in what sections? Any changes to existing interchanges? Water Runoff Management: What are the plans for managing additional water runoff from the widened road? Will this increased runoff necessitate the use of existing CDD water management infrastructure? Construction Equipment Access: What types of equipment will require access to CDD roads, and how will this be managed? Cranes, trucks, Earth moving equipment, etc. Staging Areas: Are there any plans to use District property for staging areas during construction? Construction equipment, vehicles, material, and products. CWCA Rules and Regulations
The CWCA Board has begun the effort to create and implement a Rules and Regulations document. This document will encapsulate the various existing standards contained in the HOA's documents.
Gatehouse Phone System & Camera System: As a reminder, all gatehouse calls are recorded. Also, the community invested in new cameras featuring hi-definition imaging, night vision, stored recorded footage and more. Community Access Control & dwellingLIVE Profile: Directly manage your property's guest and vendor list using the dwellingLIVE portal. Using this feature improves access control operations for the entire community. Contact the Cheval West Gate Manager to obtain a code if you need to create a new user profile. TPC Golf Course and Clubhouse
We would like to remind everyone that the golf course located within our community is private property and not open to non-patrons. Please be aware that any unauthorized entry onto the golf course at any hour of the day is strictly prohibited, and violators may be subject to legal action .